Parallel Paradises

632 days ago

The start of this new life

A life of tough love

Life never knowing peace

The life of a child, not little anymore

Life not doing much of anything

Is what They see.

When I want to just be me

But they want me to see

What they see

That I’m an adult

Not growing up

Making small choices

Day after day

But not taking the best next step

That will lead me away

Away from the safety of home

Away on an adventure I don’t want to begin

Because once it takes off

It won’t come to a stop

I’ll be going



til the day I drop

Drop from exhaustion

Or from tears of remembering

that pretty paradise

So long ago

Before I grew up and got old

A paradise of playing Barbie’s with besties

Or borrow older brother’s gameboy

Or making mud potions in the backyard

And sleeping in late on weekends

With weekdays at a friends house

Or nap time at school

When life was less complicated

And more of a game.

I know it’s naïve

Not wanting to leave

This simple paradise

That’s completely out of reach

Parallel to my path now

Never going to be able to meet

Gone with the ages that pasted me by

Because here I am now

Growing up, with a job, a car, and taxes too

Needing to make choices

That’ll lead me away

Away from that paradise

That I can never return to

A paradise that will never be forgotten

A paradise far to the side

Coming with me on my journey

But as a memory

No longer a place for me to stay,

so this is my goodbye and my thanks

To My Parallel Paradise.

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