Write the blurb for your first romance novel.

A blurb should intrigue the reader; introducing the main characters, and describing the plot, without giving too much away.

To the moon and Back (#1)

In a world full of war, Aurora sat on her bed. Looking through her window, she moved the transparent yellow curtains slightly as she gazed upon the kingdom her father ruled. Currently there was a break in this celestial commotion - In her eyes, a breath of fresh air for the first time in a while.

Now confusion surrounds everyone who is willing to read. Let me explain.

Aurora lives on the sun. Being such a resourceful planet, other celestial beings and universes often will attempt to engage in combat. What once was chastisement slowly turned into a large commotion.

Many years later, current time, the wars have died down a bit. But all planets have something against each other for past issues and myths. Regardless of the honesty in what they have against each other, they continue creating this theatrical work.

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