Monsters Of The Mind 

I've created a monster, a creature untamed,

With wild eyes glowing, its spirit unclaimed.

From the depths of my mind, it sprung forth to life,

A fusion of chaos, with sharp claws like knives.

At first, it was small, just a flicker of thought,

But soon it grew strong, and destruction it sought.

It twisted and turned, with a mind of its own,

A force to be reckoned with, now fully grown.

With each passing moment, its power expanded,

A creation of mine, now my soul it demanded.

For what I thought harmless, now a vicious beast,

A monster unleashed, on my heart it shall feast.

It roams through the shadows, in the depths of my mind,

Leaving only in sanity and terror behind.

I’ve tried to contain it, to rein it back in,

But it's too late now, the chaos begins.

So heed my warning, and take heed of my tale,

Beware the creations that you dare to unveil.

For once unleashed, they may never be tamed,

And you'll find yourself trapped, in the monster you’ve named.


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