The Revelation

Write a poem with a structured rhyme scheme, using this as the title.

The Revelation

It was never meant to be right? I mean I guess I was just expecting more, wanting more, my desire for wanting something I can’t have overtook me and drove me to my happiest point in life except when reality brought me back down it also drove me to my lowest point, you make me doubtful of everything you treat me so well you show interest and care and then the next day it all goes to hell, I’m scared of the fact you can control my mood, my feelings, my happiness, the way I act towards you, towards people, towards me the way I treat myself how I think of myself recently I've been drowning in my very own tears I've cried an endless ocean, no screw that a tsunami, I hate you and how you make me feel the fact you can do that is absurd and stupid I hate you for your mixed signals and your stupid smile and the way I can’t stay mad at you not for long, I hate it why can’t be able to hate you I just crave you I cave into you.

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