Submitted by Olivia Grace

“Sometimes we fall in love with ideas, not people.”

Use this as a line or theme in a poem or short story.

The Hero Of The Megalodonic Race

And I go mourning, horning on

My love spans twice a Megalodon

When cold and crass our bodies crash

And I go splintering like glass

Across the floor your soul reaps on

And to the door all yew and yon

I caved before a garish god

Who, crouching, crumbling like sod

Has granted me the gift of gall

Which now I summon, grit and raw

Against the day of Megalodon

Against the gay and goried one

And I that fateful fool who fell

From palaces built up in hell

Am returned this night a better man

My love now twicely hatred spans

I’ll cut the Megalodon up well

And I shall drag him down to hell

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