Submitted by Aubrey

Write a poem that could have the name of a card games as its title.

Honor For The Damsel (WAR PT. 5)


_“A parent’s respect is like having all the riches in the world. Without it, you feel as poor as dirt.”_


**Three Months Earlier…**


Today is my Rising Ceremony. The day where I rise from a dainty damsel into a warrior woman to stand beside my eldest sister during her new rule in the coming years. With my practice sword in hand and my long hair tied at the back of my neck, I sweep my leg under myself and toss my sword into the air. As the sword stays suspended in the air, I jump and catch it mid-air, coming to land nimbly on the padded soles of my feet.

Clapping startles me out of my celebration. I turn to see Jest, the second eldest, on the sidelines of the training ground, a pleased smile on her discolored face. A black diamond sits on her right breast, not exposed, but a stitched peice of fabric shaped as a diamond lays above it. “Wonderful, dear sister, truly wonderful.” She pats my shoulder when I make it to her. “Mother will be proud.”

I beam at her, taking the band out of my hair to let it fall on my back. I stroke the singular diamond on my throat, knowing my sister has to be right.

“Of course she will.”




I run my fingers through my butchered hair, the shortened strands split and the ends stray. I put my palms over my eyes, hiding myself from the mirror I stand in front of.

It’s never going to grow back, is it? It’s been three months, and it hasn’t grow back.

I choke back a sob, but even though I tried to keep the thoughts out, what Pokel said comes rushing back to me. But my mother wouldn’t send me here to die, right? So what if I failed my Rising Ceremony and lost my Honor, I’m still her daughter.

_“Your mother is a smart woman, even the Emperess thinks so.”_

“No. NO!” I jump into the bed, pulling my shoes and shortened dress off but keeping my slip secure on my hardened body. I draw my sword out the scabbard and put it to my chest. The cold metal against my skin calms me. It reminds me of who gave me this sword; why she gave me this sword.

_“I know that you’ll make me proud, Rummy. My sweet, little girl.”_

“I will, Mother! I-I’ll—“

Make it out alive. With information. Yes. If I leave here alive, with information about what the Prince of Heart will do after his coronation, then my Honor would have to be returned to me. Then, my sisters would look me in my eye again. Then—then—

Mother would acknowledge me again.

I wipe the tears that have somehow managed to fall down my cheeks. Sheathing my sword, I move to my suitcase and rummage for an outfit to wear to dinner.

To find out information, I will have to do something that I was taught to do in desperate times. To act like my title.

To act like a damsel.

I will get my Honor back.

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