Your character’s best friend has just introduced their new partner to them – unfortunately, your character already knows and hates them.
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The Man
Audrey knocked on my door.
A smile grew on my face like no other,
My best friend had arrived.
I hadn’t seen her in months!
Oh we have so much to catch up on!
I opened the door.
“Hey, Tim, I thought I’d bring my partner with me to introduce him to you. His name is-“
“Jake.” I said reluctantly.
“Oh, I’m surprised you know him.”
“Hi, Tim.”
“Why don’t you guys come in? You too Jake.” I said hesitantly as a sweat drop rolled down my face.
“Oh sure. Thanks man.” Said Jake.
We headed towards the couches.
“What do you guys want to drink?”
“Oh Tim, I’ll have an Iced coffee.” Said Audrey.
“Oh Tim, You already know.” Said Jake.
“Of course, A non flat frappuccino with extra whipped cream and chocolate sauce.”
“Thanks. It’s good to see you again Tim.”
“You too, Jake.” I said as I sighed.
I walked over with the drinks but then fell as suddenly my right leg twitched.
Fortunately Jake caught them before they fell.
“Are you okay Tim?” Asked Audrey worriedly.
“I’m okay. It happens often.”
“This didn’t happen often last time I saw you.” said Audrey as she pouted.
“Jake, would you care to explain as I get back up?”
“Let me help you up. I’ll explain after.”
“Sure, thanks Jake.”
As I then sat on a chair, massaging my calf muscle, Jake opened his mouth.
“So actually, Tim and I used to work together.”
“But you’re a cop. Tim’s a temporarily redundant injured barista.”
“Tim served on duty with me. We’re old friends. Tim was my senior cop back during those days. This was Tim’s second job, after being a barista.”
“You could put it that way sure. Yeah, we’re old friends.” I said hesitantly.
“Tim put his life on the line for me.”- Jake said as he put a hand on the back of his neck- “Tim jumped in the line of fire, when a wanted convict was firing at me.”
“Word is that the convict is still on the loose today.” I said
“Anyway, Tim took a bullet to the heart and to the leg. I let Tim down by allowing the criminal to get away.”
“weren’t you looking after Tim?” Asked Audrey
“No, Officer brown looked after Tim as I hesitantly ran after the criminal. However I lost him when he disappeared down a pitch black alleyway. I had forgotten to bring my torch. This was during the earlier days of my job as a cop.”
“Wait, you said Tim took a bullet to the heart?! I didn’t know about this! Tim!” exclaimed Audrey
Before I could apologise,
Jake began to speak : “ He was never proud of the fact that he got injured in the line of duty. His heart currently is using one of first prototype hearts. That heart is weaker, compared to the human heart and is why he can’t get much exercise, which is why his leg twitches.”
Audrey looked at me with concern.
“Thanks for explaining Jake. I’m sorry I still have hatred in me towards you for letting me down. Despite the fact that it was a rookie mistake. At the time I was too focused on how much of a threat the convict was to our society.”
“I’m sorry too man.”
“Jake , one thing though.”
“What’s that?”
“I ask that you don’t let me down, and you treat Audrey well.”
“Yes sir! Thank you, sir!”
“Thank you too for serving in the line of duty with me.”