
What had she done?

Amber Lane stared down at her hands with shock, more over, she stared down at the lunch tray they clutched.

The very same lunch tray That moments before had been filled with food.

Food that was now splattered upon the ground Due to the queen bitch of the school, Valerie Sparks, deciding that Amber would be her victim of the day.

The very same lunch tray that moments after being picked up, had been subsequently smashed into Valeries face by Amber’s own hands.

She hadn’t meant to do that.

It hadn’t been a conscious effort on her part.

Horrified, Amber dropped the tray and sprinted towards the doors of the lunchroom, intent on getting to the sanctuary of the library.

Amber Lane hadn’t intended to elevate her status in popularity with such a move, but with that ultimate swing, she definitely had.

High school politics could be a bitch sometimes.

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