A trip to Hell

I was picking at my fingernails as the elevator moved slowly downwards.

I felt anxious. Agitated.

The elevator had started moving roughly an hour ago and I was already losing my cool. What if I did something wrong while I was down there? What if I got left there?

The elevator seemed to move even slower as my breathing got heavier. I was panicking.

"No worries.“ The angel said over the speakers. "No need to be afraid.“

I stared at the ceiling and thought about how easy it was to say something like that when you didn‘t have to worry about spending eternity in Hell.

No worries, I thought and frowned.

"Almost there.“ The angel said. They sounded even more bored than before. I ignored them. They weren‘t helpfull at all.

With a look at the mirrored wall I took a deep breath.

"One day.“ I whispered. "It‘s only one day.“

The elevator slowed down, this time not only in my imagination and I prayed for a last time. I turned around, looked forward at the doors and waited.

"Your day in Hell begins as soon as you set a foot outside the elevator.“ The angel explained. "After twenty-four hours you will come back here. As soon as you get in the elevator a second time, you will be brought to the Gates of Heaven. Understood?“

"Understood.“ I answered. My try to sound more confident failed as my voice cracked. I coughed quietly and took another deep breath.

The angel sighed. "Listen,...“ They said slowly. "This is honestly not going to be as bad as you might think. Sure, it‘s not Heaven, but it‘s not like your going to be tortured or anything!“

I looked at the ceiling and raised an eyebrow. Were they still talking about Hell? Did angels experience this place differently than humans?

"I know it sounds weird but you‘ll be alright, I promise.“ They continued and for the first time since I had set foot in this elevator I felt reassured.

"You have a good soul. You‘ll be fine.“

I nodded and closed my eyes. Another deep breath.

The elevator stopped and with a quiet sound the doors opened.

"Welcome to Hell.“ The angel said and now they sounded bored again.

I opened my eyes, expecting to see a world bathed in flames with demons walking around and humans screaming while being tortured.

Instead I looked into an office with a few dozen cubicles and just as many people sitting at them.

In front of the opened doors stood a demon. They looked human just with added horns and a tail with sharp spikes and a grin, too wide and sharp to belong to one of my kind.

“Welcome to Hell!“ They said excitedly and extended their hand.

They kept on grinning so I gave them my hand and let them lead me out of the elevator and further into the room.

My first day in Hell had officially began.

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