In a classic body swap scenario, you wake up as a famous philosopher, about to give a grand speech on the meaning of life to thousands of people.

What will you tell them?

Meaning Of Life

You all want to know about the meaning in live? It’s not so easy, but I’ll try to explain it. Everybody has different opinions and experiences. Nobody feels the same, so everyone has their own perspectives, views and in particular priorities.

You can’t simply say the meaning is to love. Love can fade and some people may that will love or be loved. Are they because of that failures?

You can’t simply say the meaning is to be successful. Because what is success? Someone has succeeded when they won an Oscar, are millionaires or just have a calmer life on a farm. Are people failures when they don’t achieve those things?

You can’t simply say the meaning is to work.

Work can bring you joy if you love what you do, but for many in this generation, that my not longer be the highest priority anymore. It’s about earning money, not passion. And am I a failure when I say don’t earn a penny for what I love?

There are thousands of ways to look at the life.

Thousands of opportunities, experiences and values. You can’t just choose one and say, that is it.

In my opinion, the meaning of life is to be happy. Just be yourself. Everyone here has different expectations of life and that’s important. You have to go through your life with joy and gratitude. The galaxy is giant and you are honored to exist. You all deserve a happy fulfilling life, but what makes it worth living, is something only you can decide.

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