Write a scene between two characters who have suppressed their feelings for each other.
What features of dialogue or behaviour could you highlight in this kind of relationship?
A Hold On Me.
*new Facebook message*
Harley’s eyes are frozen to her phones screen as her heart races at the sight of her ex husbands name.
She only just manages to tear her eyes away to look back at the television, searching for relief in the current scene of her favorite show; friends. But her mind was not there.
She had known this was coming. It was only the other day she had seen him across the street as she was leaving the school gates. They both locked eyes, he had waved sheepishly and she had managed a very flustered half-wave but hurriedly walked towards her car.
She takes a deep breath and unlocks her phones screen.
The message reads:
“J: hi! I know it’s been a while. But was so good to see you even so briefly. I wanted to ask how you’ve been? Don’t know when I’ll be back in the area. But at some point we could meet together and have a proper catch up if that’s something you’re interested in? Let me know. J.”
Harley felt all her muscles tense as she read the words “meet together”. Her throat tightened and her thoughts froze. She had always marvelled at her body’s overreaction to any interaction with this man. But Harley wasn’t about to instantly reply. She was very careful to think through her decisions these days.
A key in the door. Kyle was home! This event had sparked Harley to almost leap into the hallway. A daily ritual they had shared since the beginning of their 3 year marriage. she greeted her husband with a beaming smile as the tall, handsome man appears in the doorway. He looked as though it had been a long hard day; but as he meets Harley’s eyes his demeanor brightens and his shoulders soften. Harley reaches out and draws him into a meaningful hug.
As they both step back she delivers the news.
Deliberately choosing to detach from any emotion attached to the following words, she says in a low voice: “Jace messaged me.”
“Oh?” Kyle raises his eyebrow slightly, indicating mild surprise. He had never been one for emotional reactions. Steady in a storm was he; always.
“Yes, he wanted to know if I would meet up with him, obviously that’s not something I’m even considering.” Her words fell from her mouth as though they were falling over each other to get out.
Kyle nods slowly, thoughtfully.
“I haven’t replied though.” She feels the need to explain herself.
“That’s okay, he’s probably just seen that beautiful face and..” his eyes flick over her lush body… “and realised what he’s been missing all these years”.
“Oh shush” she giggles, as he pulls her in close again and playfully kisses her neck.
Later that night Harley sits in her bed with Kyle snoring softly beside her. She’s about to turn off the TV when her phone lights up again. Jace.
“Sorry I hope that wasn’t too abrupt. After I saw you the other day I just thought it might be nice to catch up, would you feel more comfortable bringing your husband? also there’s no pressure by the way.”
He sounded genuine.