Write a scene where a character confesses their (unreturned) love for another.
The Heated Confession
It’s just the two of them. Sitting on the floor of the auditorium dressing room. The rest of the cast had left for the cast party at the restaurant down the street while Carson and Riley were stuck on cleanup duty. It wasn’t really that much. More so sweeping and making sure there wasn’t any food in the room. They were mainly done by the time they both slid down the senior wall tired and sweating from the cleaning and a bit of nervous tension in the room. They looked around at the almost cleaned and empty dressing room full of memories from the past three days. Jamming out to Chappell Roan while putting on makeup, playing _Roblox_ in the wings, and passing out sappy notes before closing night. They couldn’t believe it was over. Eventually their eyes meet. Looking so longingly into the others eyes.
Before the show, Carson had been out of school due to being sick. That week had almost broken Riley. Every day she hoped that Carson would walk out of the doors of his Spanish class, smile, and give his classic little wave. But, after getting her hopes up he never did.
“I really missed you,” she said, taking a chance. She usually never does things this risky. Instead she likes to hide and conceal. But this time, why not take a chance.
“I missed you too,” he says. His voice, deep and warm. Comforting. Her heart fluttered. She loved how his voice sounded.
The two of them turned silent, staring into the other's eyes. She could feel something. Like their brains synced for just a second. Enough where he could whisper into her brain _I know you want to kiss me. Go ahead. _Their heads slowly leaned in closer forming the base of a kiss. There was no stopping. Like their power and need to do this was bringing them closer and closer and longer and longer like they never wanted it to end. He bit at her lips like they couldn't get close enough. His hand reached its way from her sweater to her hair ruffling it playfully and sexy. Her hand lay on the back of his neck giving the ability to keep this going for as long as possible. Not like he wanted it to end. They stopped for a brief moment, looking into the other’s eyes. They both shone bright with heat and admiration. They longed for more. More of the last few minutes. “Damn,” said Carson. His voice flowing seamlessly and sexy. “I love you,” announced Riley. “I always have,” Carson leaned in for another round. “So do I,” he says.