The Greatest Show

The greatest show on earth. Every single day. Free. If only we make the time to see and experience it. A natural release of the day, sometimes having been long and arduous. And sometimes gentle and beautiful. A gifted series of moments. Every. Single. Day. There is nothing we have to do to receive it. For it is not something that is deserved, or not deserved. Each day, it happens for absolutely every one of us. A stunning, sometimes breath-taking display of the most authentic art imaginable, being created right before our very eyes. In real time. All we have to do is stop. Turn our attention. Watch. Be silent. Take it all in. And allow it to cleanse us. Wash away the noise, and put it all to rest. In preparation for starting again. An event we have become so accustomed to, that we choose to work or play through it. Forgoing the inherent, daily ritual for our bodies, minds, and souls.

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