The Lake

“Wait! Please Maurice! Please i’m sorry!” Sam yells while chasing Maurice down the sand.

“Sam, stop.” Maurice stops abruptly, giving Sam a chance to catch him. “I’m tired of this. You always do this. You mess up and apologize and i accept it and then you mess up again!”

“I’m human!” Sam screams. “We make mistakes!” Maurice rolls his eyes at Sam.

“Well I can’t forgive this mistake.” He turns once again to walk the sand. Sam looks around the beach. His anger was at an all time high. Why wasn’t Maurice listening? Sam didn’t mean to crash his car. Finally he found something in the sand.

“Reese, please,” Sam uses his best begging voice and this gets Maurice to pause. Sam goes running up behind him. Right as Maurice turns, Sam raises one arm. Maurice doesn’t let out a gasp or a yell or anything.

“Sam,” is all he says before a rock comes smashing into his skull.

Maurice drops and the sand around his head turns red quickly. Sam stares at the growing pool, and as soon as he comes to, he tosses the rock into the lake.

Sam looks all along the lake, looking for a boat or something. All he can find is a pier. He wraps Maurice’s head in a sheet and drags the body towards the pier. Once near the piers entrance, he gathers rocks and sticks them in Maurice’s pockets.

Sam finds an empty jug in the sand and pours some of the blood into it. Of course Sam has an idea. Sam then drags Maurice to the end of the pier and pushes him into the lake. He watches for a few minutes as Maurice sinks deeper into the murky water. Then Sam gets to work.

He drops some blood onto the pier. He then trudges back to Maurices wrecked car, splashing blood every few steps. Then he gets to the car, driver door smashed in. The front of the car, wedged under a log. Sam splashes the rest of the blood on the inside of the car.

Once done, Sam takes the jug back to the cabin. He rinses the bottle and sticks it in recycling. He then calls Maurice’s phone. He waits until night and calls the police.

They end up finding Maurice’s body after following the trail of blood. Sam tells them he and Maurice had gotten in a fight and Maurice sped off. When Sam hadn’t heard from him in a few hours, he said he tried calling. When that didn’t work he called the police.

The police ruled it a suicide. When crashing his car didn’t work, he drowned himself. Sam was the grieving boyfriend. Maurices family gave him everything in his bank account. Sam lived a long life, eventually marrying again. Never got caught and it was a secret he took to the grave.

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