Write a story that begins in a very loud setting.
Your whole story doesn't have to take place here, but the setting should tie in to the rest of your plot.
POV: 2nd Year
Remus was playing wizards’ chess with Sirius in the common room. He had only been there for ten minutes, but he already wanted to go up to his dorm. It was so loud. And very hot. He closed his eyes and tried to block out the noise, but it was hard. Peter and a few other students were playing exploding snap, and James, Dorcas, Marlene, and a few second years were talking loudly. The fire crackled, and Sirius was tapping his fingers on the table. Someone was humming and James’s snitch was buzzing around the room. He could feel a headache starting quickly.
He suddenly realized that Sirius was saying something. “…Remus? Reeeeemuuuus!” “What Sirius?” Remus opened his eyes. “Are you okay?” Sirius asked quizzically, “I said your name a few times. It’s your move.” Remus looked down at the board, but he couldn’t concentrate properly. Sirius looked at him in concern. “Remus, what’s wrong?” “It’s really loud in here,” Remus said quietly, “and I have a headache.” “Ok, lets go up to the dorm.”
Remus got up and felt a rush and a small dizziness. He stumbled a little, and Sirius caught him. “Moony, are you ok?” “I don’t fell very good honestly.” He replied, shaking a little. “C’est inquiétant,” Sirius mumbled, “Come on Moons, let’s get upstairs. Can you make it?” “I think so.” Remus responded. They walked up the stairs and entered their room.
Remus lay down on his bed. “Do you need anything mon ami?” Sirius asked. Remus smiled a little. “Can you get me some water?” He asked. “De I’eau. Oui.” Whispered Sirius, who had started across the room.
It was sweet the way Sirius would say stuff in French whenever he was anxious, nervous, stressed or angry.
“Here Remmy.” Sirius handed him the water. “Get some sleep. If you don’t feel good tomorrow then we’ll bring you to Madam Pomfrey. I’m going to tell Prongs your not feeling well, d’accord?” Sirius left the room, and Remus drifted off to sleep.
“He doesn’t look too good.”
“Should we bring him to the hospital wing?”
Remus felt a cool touch on his forehead.
“Yeah, he’s burning up.”
Remus woke up in the hospital wing. He saw Sirius, James and Peter sitting besides him. “Hey guys.” He said, his voice scratchy. Peter got him some water, and he drank it. “You had a fever,” said James sounding a little worried, “How are you feeling?” “Better.” Remus replied truthfully. “Good.” Said Sirius happily, smiling up at him.
Later that day, he was free to go back to the Gryffindor common room. When he walked in, all his friends ran over and hugged him. “We weren’t sure if you’d get to come back tonight.” Peter said. “Madam Pomfrey said I could go back to classes tomorrow.” “Bien,” said Sirius happily, “classes were pretty boring without you there to tell us to pay attention.” They all laughed, and headed up to the dorm so he and Sirius could finish their chess game.
“Did you guys take notes during class?” Remus asked once they had finished, “Yeah, we took turns, and we got your homework. We asked Lily to get the homework from the class you’re in with her.” Peter replied handing him his homework and notes in the handwriting of each of them. “Thanks,” Said Remus happily, “You guys are the best.”
The End