Submitted by Oralie Penderwick

'She stared at me for a moment, then plunged the knife into my stomach.'

Write a story containing this line, whether you build up to it, or go from it.

Don’t Let This Happen

“She glared at me for a moment, then plunged the knife into my stomach and left me to die. And that’s how I ended up here.

It’s really unfortunate timing cause I really believed she was the one. I was all set to ask her before she flipped out and stabbed me. I just wish she truly loved me like I loved her, then maybe I wouldn’t be in this position. If she really did love me she would have accepted who I was.

In regards to your first question, I don’t believe her to be a threat to our community. If you just give me a chance to speak with her, I know I can make her forget. Please, I beg you not to hurt her. She may have stabbed me but I still love her.”

The camera zoomed in on his sad pathetic face and then faded to black where the following statement slowly moved up along the screen:

“The poor, sad,heartbroken vampire sat there tied to the chair, to be put on display before the council. He begged for a life that day, not his own, but the very human who stabbed a knife into his stomach.

He knew the moment he revealed what he was to her, there was no going back whether it worked out in his favor or not. In this case it did not. He had revealed himself to be a vampire in hopes she would love him enough to want to become one herself. She didn’t. And now it will cost both their lives.”

The screen then fades to black and the words “Vampire Academy Instructional video” flashes into view.”What a boring hilarious video that was”, I thought to myself.

“What we have here students is a classic case of don’t let this happen to you while being a vampire in this world.”

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