Are You Sure?

I stood beside Kade, my royal advisor and personal best friend. Well, maybe he might’ve been a few years older, but, did it really matter?

“Are you nervous, Master Lance?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.

I swallowed hard and tried my best to smile, today was my coronation, my crowning, the day I turned king.

Everything went downhill since… Since dad died. I had to step up, and I wasn’t able to spend time with my little sister, Paige.

“Not at all.” Silence…

“Okay, maybe a little,” I admitted. Kade chuckled,

“That’s alright. Speaking of which, have you got the plans to keep the peace with the land of Half-Marim?”

“Uh-” I paused, looking around-“Of course. We could never disrupt the peace.”

(Scene: he gets crowned and etc.)

Heavy breathes, I took, I was kneeling in front of the throne, dad’s trusted advisor towering over me with a sword. This was it. I’m gonna be king. I will be as good as my d-

**_CRASH_**! I heard and quickly turned around, as I almost got my head cut off. It was a … knight?

“My Lord Lance! My King! They have attacked!” The knight cried out. I raised an eyebrow and stood up.


“Half-Marim! They- they sent their armies! They-!”

I ran past him, how could they attack? After we’ve kept the peace for so long?

“Master Lance! Master Lance, come back here right this instance!” I heard Kade yell in the distance, but I kept running. I ran out the palace to a balcony..

In the distance were several hundreds- no, _thousands_ of men in armor!

“B-but how?” I whispered to myself as I felt Kade catch up and watch the scene unfold.

“Master Lance, I-“

“HEY! Who’s your leader?” I interrupted Kade and yelled to the men. They looked confused before pointing to a guy in the back.

“GOOD! Why are you attacking!?”

He stared at me before scowling,

“Your king provoked us first! Where is he? He sent poison to our own kingdom and burned the houses of orphans!” The man yelled.

I stepped back, stunned. _What?_ How could dad do such a thing? They had to be lying!

….And yet.. why would they?

“OUR KING IS DEAD!” I yelled back, desperate.

Was this happening? For real?

But how?

“Master Lance, I beg-“

“Did you know?” I asked Kade, feeling my eyes grow hot.

He looked down and my face turned red.

“You knew my dad did these- these horrible things, and you never told me..?”

“Master Lance, we only wanted to protect-“


I breathed heavily and my eyes stung, so I closed them. My throat felt tight. Why had my world turned upside down? Why did they attack? What do I do?

(help idk how to continue)

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