The Sun

I dont want to think about it

I dont want to see it

I dont want to awknowlege it

I dont want it to exist

I want to continue waking up next to you

I want to sing with you

I want to hold your hand under the table

I dont want time to continue

I dont want to witness your peppered hair grow greyer

Though you will look handsome

I dont want to think about a time without you

I pray to the gods

And you know I dont worship them

I pray for time to stop


Give me more time with you

I refuse to let time take you away from me

I refuse that there arent any ways for you to live on with me

I refuse to be left alone for the next 700 years

I want you to keep holding onto my dark grey arms, twirl my white hair, make jewelry for my pointed ears, cradle me when I think about you, I want you too warn me when I lose my temper.

I never asked the seconds to take you away from me

I never want to go to bed without you

I never want to breathe without you near me

I never want to enjoy the sun without you

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