Wiped Away❤️‍🩹💛

(Warning: mentions suicide, hints of self harm, may be a sensitive topic. If it is, please don’t read.)

To a soldier in the Vietnam War


Is a repetitive



That went out of style

Years ago

To a couple

Living in Paris

In a small apartment

Right by the Eiffel Tower



A monster made of shattered hearts

Waiting there

Like a book waiting to be opened

To a little boy

Safe in his mama’s embrace

With so much to dream

And so much to wonder

And so much to learn

Death is

A question whisked away

A grizzly bear’s hunger quenched

An upset baby soothed

To a doctor, working 24 hours

Chaos, disease, and loss everywhere

Every day

Death is

A heart bleeding but forced to scar

And it is

The emptiness behind

Closed eyes

To that girl at the edge of the bridge

Feet dangling like a loose screw

Needing to be hammered again

Death is

Something her family

Or friends or teachers

Would never understand

Just like her

Messed up mind

Will never be understood

To the broken hearted widow

Whose husband got stolen by cancer

Who now lies awake past 3 AM

Feeling nothing but grief

Death is

A slap given by a firm hand

A disease given false treatment

A punishment with no purpose

An angry scream left on read

To the old lady

sitting in the rocking chair

In her little cottage in a small town

Death is

A peaceful ending

To an old folktale

That will forever be passed on

And a soft blanket

Wrapped around her

Weakening soul

To me

Death is

A worry

A fear

A broken memory

Embedded with good ones

A sad song

Played at low volume

On repeat

And a little tear

Hidden in the rim of my eyes

Soon to be wiped away❤️‍🩹



This poem wasnt really structured or organized. I just kind of let it run wild here! This was kind of a sensitive topic to write about, especially to go back and read over, so that’s why I focused mord on the emotion than thr structure. It was hard, but I thought I should try💛

You are all amazing 🌻

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