The Fleur Family

“I was gone for five minutes! What happened here?” Luna asked, exasperated.

Luna, the oldest girl in the Fleur family, had went to go get some food for the small fort she and her siblings had built.

But now, all she saw was her youngest sister, Fayette, curled up in a ball and sleeping, Rini, the middle child, yelling at their eldest and only brother, Sirius, and Lacey, the other middle child, sewing a dress for her plush. Oh, did she mention the fort was in chaos?

“Nothing!” Lacey, Rini, and Sirius yelled.

Fayette stirred in her sleep, and fluttered her eyes open. “Oh! You’re back!”

“Yeah.” Luna sighed, narrowing her eyes and putting a hand on her hip, then placed the Ribbonpuffs she brought on a pillow. “Now, tell me what happened.”

“Y’know, for the sibling younger than me, you have an weird obsession with taking control,” Sirius said.

“Because if I don’t take charge, who is? I know for sure you aren’t,” Luna replied, crossing her arms. “Now, who’s going to explain?”

Fayette glanced at Rini and Sirius, and Lacey glanced at them too.

“Hey, it’s not my fault,” Sirius said.

“Then who’s was it?” Rini snipped. “Because it was you who started it!”

“No, I didn’t.” Sirius said angrily.

“Yes, you did!” Rini insisted.

“See, this is why people think I’m the oldest,” Luna sighed.

Fayette sat up, watching her older siblings.

“Why are you staring at them like they owe you Bundreams?” Lacey asked, plopping down next to her.

“Oh, it’s nothing,” Fayette replied, playing with the Balletusa that was in her lap’s ear.

“You sure?” Lacey inquired, staring at the pearl necklace that delicately wrapped around Fayette’s neck. “Hey, where did you get that?”

Fayette flushed, and smiled forcefully. “Mother got it for me,”

“Mother doesn’t own any pearls,” Lacey said.

“Hmm, well, maybe I found it. I don’t remember.” Fayette responded, playing with the ribbon wrapped around her lamb white pigtail.

“Okay, so, are we good?” Luna asked, as she finally got Rini and Sirius to stop fighting.

“Yes.” Both siblings begrudgingly replied.

“Now, let’s rebuild the fort,” Lacey sighed, flicking a milky white lock of hair off her shoulder.

It won’t take long,” Luna said, a smile playing on her lips.

She waved her hands, and slowly rebuilt the fort, this time even bigger.

“I keep forgetting you have telekinesis,” Fayette breathed, staring at the fort in awe.

“I think we all do, but!” Rini said, flying up with her fairy wings, “we need to add something,”

She pulled out a baby pink teddy bear, placed it ever so softly on the top of the fort, and flew back down.

“I was kind of expecting it to fall.” Fayette snickered.

“Why would it fall?” Rini asked, her eyebrows furrowed.

“Please don’t jinx it,” Sirius sighed.

“Oh please, I rebuilt it, I get to say that,” Luna replied.

“Look, why are we fighting over who gets to say ‘please don’t jinx it?’ Its stupid. You’re gonna jinx it if you even talk about it!” Lacey said, crossing her arms.

“Why are we fighting again?” Fayette inquired, looking up at her older siblings.

“Not sure,” Rini replied.

“So uh..what do we do now?” Lacey asked.

“I know!” Rini exclaimed, and ran into the fort. She quickly ran back out, and hit Sirius on the head with a cotton pillow.

“Hey!” Sirius huffed, grabbing a pink teddy bear and throwing it at her face. She barely dodged, picked up the teddy bear, and threw it back at Sirius.

Luna giggled, and threw a lacy pillow at Lacey.

“Wha—“ Lacey said, then got a mouth full of pillow. She furrowed her eyebrows, picked up a pearl pink stuffed bunny, and threw it at Luna’s head.

As Fayette’s siblings had their pillow fight—pillow war?—she couldn’t remember anymore—she smiled. It felt nice to just feel young, not deal with their mothers impossible expectations and the pressure of being crowned, what else was there that they had to deal with again? She didn’t remember, but all she remembered was it was BAD.

What we’re their rumors called again? The Dollhouse Murders? Ohh, now she was starting to remember.

But just as the screws in Fayette’s head were turning into place, she heard a familiar melodic voice gently call her name. “Hey, Fayette!”

Fayette blinked, and then she saw the pink-haired girl in front of her, looking down at the fairy magic swirling in Fayette’s palm. She ever so softly took Fayette’s hands, making the magic in Fayette’s palm vanish, but the flush in her cheeks whenever she noticed the pink-haired girl didn’t do the same.

“What were you doing?” She asked, her lips pursed in a tight line.

“Its nothing, Cherrycake,” Fayette giggled, using her thumbs to stroke Rosemary’s knuckles. “I was just trying to find some more stuff on the Dollhouse Murders,”

“Ohh,” Rosemary said, nodding. “Hey, now that I think about it, I’ve never heard of that rumor.”

“Maybe its not in the books in the library,” Fayette guessed.

“I thought you said that the library had every book needed when I need it!”

“Hmm, maybe someone’s using them all?” Fayette suggested.

Actually, there was no one using the books on the Dollhouse Murders. Fayette kept trying to throw them out, but they just kept reappearing.

She wasn’t going to let Rosemary find out about secrets she didn’t need to know about, it was dangerous. She saw what happened the last time she did it.

Never again.


No Rosemary was going to get herself killed anymore.

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