Hallows Eve

It was the night before Halloween. All the kids were cleaning out the candy aisles at all the local grocery stores and the adults were busy picking out costumes for their children. In the town of Goldenburg, Halloween was the most important day of the year. Everyone in town went all out with their blow-up witches and ghosts. The mayor even holds an annual pumpkin carving festival where people from all over the world come to pick pumpkins and carve them. Their Halloween started on the day before the actual Halloween.

However, there was a time when one man who lived in Goldenburg took Halloween too far. His name was Grant Lopez. Hehd a weird type of love for the entire month of October. He always chose to hand out the most candy to children and put up giant decorations. Some called him “the Santa of Halloween”. The town began to grow suspicious of Lopez. He wore the same costume each year. Except, only one limb of his costume changed yearly.

One day, everyone started to notice that his costume weirdly smelled like a freshly taxidermied animal. The costume began to look more real, as if it were made from real humans. They also noticed that each year, one person went missing around the time that Grant Lopez would start adding to his costume.

On Hallows Eve(a year ago today), some kids decided to sneak into Lopez’s house and check it out. They crept through the hallways as each step made a creaking noise. With each step they took, a weird stench grew stronger.

A door to their left had been wide open. The room was empty other than a static TV and a big grey bin. The bin was labeled “costume parts”. The boys opened the bin and saw human remains scattered across the bottom of the bin. Then, a soft chuckle came from behind them.

There was Grant, standing in the doorway holding a butcher knife, walking slowly towards the kids. One of the boys broke the window and managed to escape. Sadly, his friend Jakob was nowhere to be seen. No screams were heard and no shadows were seen. Only a broken window and shattered glass.

The boy ran to town hall and told the mayor about the events that he had just undergone. The mayor sent out an entire hunt and search party to look for Lopez and Jakob.

Jakob was later found in the woods behind his house with a missing leg, but still clinging to life. Grant, however, has not been located to this day. Most believe he is waiting. Waiting for his next victim to add to his costume collection.

The town's favorite holiday had been moved to a different day and month to make sure Lopez never knew when to come back.

Now for Halloween, any costume that even slightly resembles that of Grants, will be burned and the person wearing it would be punished dearly.

Grant is still on the hunt, looking for the perfect person that will fit him just right.

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