He slowed to a halt and peered out the window as he asked the fateful question: “Need a ride?”

Continue the story.

I Really Did Need That Ride

“Need a ride?”, the plump silhouette form the drivers side asked as he slowly pulled up along side me.

I’m not one to take rides from anyone, let alone a stranger off the street. But the rain and wind were wreaking havoc on my eyesight during my walk home. Back in my day you didn’t think twice when it came to hitchhiking or picking up someone. However in this day and age, it’s not the safest.

Just this year alone there have been several missing person cases and murders that have occurred in our not so quiet little town. Some believe there’s a murderer on the loose causing all this chaos. I just think it’s a case of wrong place wrong time.

Anyhow I really do need to take this ride. I pull on the rusty hinged door of this two door truck and hop in with one jump. The cab of this Chevy is as plain and simple as can be. No real sign of who the owner might be, just pure randomness.

“So where you headed miss in this pouring rain?”, the plump little man asked as he drove away.

“I’m headed home if you please.”

“Where’s home to you miss?”

“I live in The BaneBridge Apartments on Windale Street. Not too far from here.”

“Don’t worry I know exactly where that’s at. I’ll get you home safe.”, he said with a devious grin. So what’s your name miss?”

“My name is Ophelia.”

“Ophelia.”,he said with a whisper. That’s a very pretty name.”

As if it weren’t awkward enough I notice he’s not heading towards the apartments but instead toward the shady side forest. This is not going to end well. I fear for what’s about to happen will forever be scar tissue on me.

“This isn’t the way to the apartments. Where are you taking me!”, I try to sound as scared and desperate as can be.

“Don’t worry beautiful I’ll get you home safe after I show you something first.”, he explained as he headed further into the forest.

He stops deep in the darkest part of the forest and shuts the lights off. It’s here where George Harrow would make his move towards the guests he brings here. It’s here where the predator in George takes over and attacks anyone ,leaving him always wanting more. It’s here where George is usually in control.

This time however it’s not George’s night. His rein of terror ended the moment he picked up Ophelia, the oldest living vampire. He would soon feel the wrath of sheer terror and torture one would feel.

“Thank goodness for him I’m starving”

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