Write a short horror story that DOESN'T involve murder, pyschopaths, or paranormal activity.

Think about what other themes make captivating horror writing.

No Escaping Them

KNOCK KNOCK The echos louder My door rattles KNOCK BANG They’re going to get in There’s nothing I can do BANG BANG They’ve stopped knocking Now they’re banging They’re getting angry But. I’m frozen I can’t move Glued. Tense a muscle I can’t Move a limb I can’t Scream I’ve tried Shallow breaths Shiver and sweat Wait. Silence. The bang has stopped Maybe they gave up Am I safe? CLICK Oh no! They stopped knocking and banging They’ve found the key CLICK CLICK You’d imagine what’s behind the door A killer wielding a knife or a monster A demon or evil ghost But. All that’s behind that door Knows me, and knows me well That’s why they have the key Why I’m frozen to my bed The locks clicking Dreading the creak of the door They come at night I can never escape them In the dark In the eerie silence The final CLICK Then… CREAK They’re in Invisible shadows Cold air They invade my mind Crawl under my skin My thoughts. Haunting memories. Fears. My failures. All visit me each night Like a storm of reminders I’ve made mistakes I’ve failed My life wasted Their cruel words continue Until I either Fall asleep Or morning comes LLK. __________ I’m trying a new approach to poem writing here, not sure if it was effective.