The Missing Ones

As dawn came and beams of sunlight flooded down the village its residents woke like any other day, yet this one would be very different. On this day the blacksmiths forge would not billow the thick black smoke the towns people had grown accustomed to, neither would the baker have his doors open to supply his goods. The sheep in the field would be left in their pen, not roaming the forest line they usually fed on. As the boy and his mother exited their cottage they noticed more people had gone missing. The more villagers that went missing the more anxious the remaining few grew. What horrendous event plagued this village was a mystery to its residents as more and more of them disappeared each night. No one had any idea where the towns people where vanishing to as there was no revealing evidence to uncover. They were just gone. No trace left beside the job or task that would be left undone. Now that over half of the village was missing the mother worried if her or her son would be next. The fear of what might happen to one of them clouded her thoughts ridding her unable to complete her designated tasks along with the extras she had to complete to keep society afloat in the small community. As the day progressed and dusk began to settle, the mother wondered what precautions she could take, if any, to keep her boy safe. As she readied him for bed and laid in her own an uneasy feeling grew in her chest. After some time passed she heard her son’s breathing change, relieved he was asleep. Wondering if she would also find rest soon she felt the anxiety she had squelched begin to grow again. She turned her head and peered towards the window of their modest abode and just as she felt her eyes grow heavy she felt a loud, booming drone sound, almost like the battle cry from a horn of an oncoming army but deeper. As the light bleeding in through the window turned red and the deep drone persisted she began to cry as her house began to shake. She took one last look at her sleeping child as everything in view turned white and all sound ceased to exist.

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