While reading through an online recipe, a character realises that this isn’t just chocolate chip cookies – it’s a code.
Write a short story about this discovery and what the character does next.
Chocolate Chip Code
I was making chocolate chip cookies with a new recipe from a book I found in the attic. It was a weird recipe with numbers after each word and symbols after each sentence. I couldn’t figure out why but it got me wondering, how old was this recipe book? I finished baking the cookies and they turned out well. I went back up to the attic and saw more symbo;s on the roof beams and the floor and walls. I went back to the kitchen and got the recipe book. I turned to the cookie recipe and looked at the symbols in the book and on the roof, walls, and floor. They were similar but not the same. I looked further through he nbook at every recipe, searching for more symbols. I couldn’t find any. I went back to the page and tried to figure out the numbers and symbols but I didn’t come up with anything. I looked back at the roof and saw that the symbols looked like arrows. They pointed to the symbols on the floor and the symbols were all different. I followed them like a trail and realized then lead to the walls. I followed the trail on the walls and I saw one symbol that stood out to me. It was like an X but it had weird spirals on thwe ends. I thought back to all the stories I’ve ever heard and how X marks the spot. I looked all around the X but there wasn’t any other symbols or anything else. I decided to try to push it in and to my surprize a door opened. There was another door behind it but it had a lock one the handle. It was a 4 number lock. I immediately knew that the numbers in the book were the code but there was too many combinations to try. Then I thought about the recipe, it said there were 4 main ingredients and the others were optional. I looked at the numbers behind each of those ingredients, 5683. I put 5683 into the lock and it opened. I didn’t know what I was going to find behind the door. I was nervous and a little bit scared but I knew that if I didn’t open the door I’d always be wondering what was behind it. I slowly opened the door and saw large bookshelves and the other surfaces were covered. I uncovered one object and it was a desk, another was a pinball machine, there was also a chair, and a very old television. I realized it was an old office and library. It was cool but it was never in the blueprints or disclosed anywhere when I bought the house. It was like someone didn’t want anyone to know it was there. It was like a secret library. There was nothing in the desk but a dictionary and there was no secret spots in the desk. It was just a room and I’m sure it had its secrets but I’ll figure them out.