Milk Run Mayhem pt. 4

****Arora's Perspective****

Arora's heart hammered against her ribs, a frantic drumbeat accompanying the sudden surge of emotions that washed over her. She couldn't deny it, despite the stoic facade she presented. Dominic Corinthose, the infamous mobster, was standing before her, his piercing green eyes holding hers captive. He was even more captivating in person, his sculpted features and imposing physique an undeniable testament to his strength.

Her breath hitched. He was truly beautiful, a striking contradiction against the dark rumors that swirled around his name. She'd been more than happy to see his face, to see the way his full lips curved into a soft, grateful expression. That unexpected warmth, coupled with the raw honesty in his voice, had momentarily disarmed her usual defenses.

But then her eyes fell to his hand, hovering near the bandage that covered his wound. A frown creased her brow. He was still pale, his face thinner than it had been in the hospital. He looked like he hadn't slept properly in days, not that he probably had.

"What are you even doing here?" she asked, her voice sharper than intended, masking the concern that bubbled within her.

Internally, she scolded him, a torrent of words flooding her mind. ‘You stupid man. You nearly died, and now you're here, half-healed and probably still in pain. What is wrong with you?’

"I needed to thank you," he’d said, his voice rough and low. She’d refused his offer of reward and dismissed his debt. But the words rang in her mind now, a symphony of gratitude she hadn’t necessarily sought out.

The anger at him was quick to resurface. "You left the hospital?" she demanded, her voice laced with a sharp reprimand. "Before you were fully healed? Did you not listen to a single word the doctor said?"

Her voice rose, the concern morphing into frustration. "I didn't save your ass just for you to die a week later from some infection you picked up because you’re too stubborn to stay in bed for a few more weeks!"

Arora knew he wouldn't understand the depth of her care, the anxiety that churned within her at his reckless behavior. They were strangers, after all, from two vastly different worlds. Yet, she'd acted, she'd saved him, and the possibility of him dying due to his own foolhardiness was unacceptable. She'd saved his life, and she wouldn't stand by and watch him throw it away.

Dominic's eyes softened slightly at her outburst, a flicker of understanding crossing his features. He was used to sharp words, to people responding with fear or deference. Her blunt honesty, fuelled by a fierce protective instinct, was something new, and it intrigued him even further.

Arora, though, remained unconvinced. His gratitude was misplaced, and his stubbornness was a danger to himself. He was a walking contradiction: strong yet vulnerable, cold yet capable of raw emotion. And in a strange twist of fate, she found herself a reluctant guardian to this dangerous man, a responsibility she hadn't asked for but one she couldn't ignore.

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