
Right when I felt settled,

Something was immediately missing.

I wasn’t sure what,

But as always I felt the need for something

I didn’t have.

I looked for it.

I checked all the places I normally fall to.

Where I feed on conversations.

Where I shove my insecurities between the cushions.

Places where I normally get the most work done,

But I couldn’t find what I was looking for.

And then,

I felt it, what was wrong.

Well, saw it more really.

Like when you walk into a room and forget why you’re there, then suddenly you realize it.

As I sat with my popcorn in hand, the menu screen for Tangled playing, a comfy blanket surrounding me perfectly,

I stared down the remote

That rested across the room on the tv stand.

I did all that I could to reach it.

My fingers not even close to brushing against its power.

The Force unfortunately was useless in my attempts to secure the wand of television.

I went through the five stages of grief.


I told myself it really wasn’t the remote over there and it had to be in the couch cushions somewhere.

So I kept looking.


I was angry with myself for forgetting to grab it before I sat down. I should have grabbed it when I turned on the tv.


I told the remote so many things to get The Force to suddenly work. I’d be super productive. Get a job. A boyfriend. A friend. Anything.


I threw a fit and cried a little. The blanket wouldn’t be the same if I got up to get the remote. I couldn’t have that. Why would it ask me to do this!?! Life’s so unfair.


I almost gave up and took a nap instead


Begrudgingly I slipped out of my blanket and

retrieved the remote in defeat,

Taking comfort in Flynn Riders voice as I tried to forget the whole traumatic experience.

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