They headed out the door, determined to never look back.

Write a story which ends with this line.

New Life

[S.C, Bloodlines. CH 6]

Amelya turned in her sleep. Waking when her arms felt a body within them. Cleo was wrapped in her covers and if she’d not known was sleeping peacefully.

“I thought you didn’t sleep?” Amelya yawned, pulling Cleo tightly into her body’s warmth.

“I like to pretend sometimes…. Makes me feel human again…” Cleo said honestly without turning.

“We’ll your human enough for me” She kissed Cleo on the cheek and just enjoyed the moments.

Hours later they found themselves still wrapped in each other’s embrace. Cleo was nearly at the edge of the bed due to Amelya’s constant movements while sleeping.

“Wake up sleeping beauty “ Cleo coed, nipping at her ear. “It’s nearly noon, sleepy head”

“Just five more minutes mommy” Amelya yawned without opening her eyes.

“No, your done. Your done.” Cleo laughed, pushing her pair toward the center of the bed.

It was a queen bed for sure. Sadly most of it was covered with clothing and extra pillows.

“Can’t we just lay here for the rest of eternity?” Amelya asked, rubbing sleep from her eyes.

“We could. But I think three days in bed is more then enough” Cleo whispered.

A shuffle in the hallway caught their attention but it couldn’t break their mood. This was heaven, and they wouldn’t let anything ruin it.

“Good afternoon “ Amelya’s mom opened the door, quickly shielding her eyes when she seen how close the girls where. “Uhmmm. Amelya “ Her mom wasn’t sure in the least bit what to say.

“Mom we are both dressed.” Was all Amelya could think to say. “It’s nothing like that” Cleo gave her a quick shove.

“Well sorry. I just ….. it looked. Well you two have a good day” She shut the door and rushed toward the kitchen.

“That went well. What happened to compulsion?” Amelya questioned as Cleo hopped up out of the bed.

Grabbing the pair of sweatpants she’d worn in, and pulling them up over her boy shorts.

“Didn’t think it was needed” Cleo was clearly annoyed, and wanted out. “Guess I was wrong”

“Wait. Are you mad at me?” Amelya grabbed for Cleo’s arm but fell short, falling to the floor in a lump of teenage girl and covers.

Getting a soft chuckle from Cleo.

“You alright?” Cleo pulled the covers away from her face, that was smushed to the carpet.

“Only if your not mad at me”

“Why is this such a secret?” Cleo took a deep breath, seemingly trying to keep her cool.

“What’s this?” Amelya asked, pulling herself into sitting position. Rubbing her knee and cheek.

“Us, stop playing dumb” Cleo raised her voice a bit.

“What are we?” Amelya questioned, slowly creeping across the carpet.

“I don’t know…. I just know whatever it is your hiding it” Cleo whispered, taking another few breaths.

“When I join you…. I won’t have anyone anymore….” Amelya climbed up the chair Cleo sat in, stopping when she was face to face with her. “I don’t want her last memory of her daughter to be questioning everything about her”

“….. I didn’t think about that….”

“It’s fine. I’m not mad” Amelya kissed her pair on the lips for a second, before Cleo pulled her in deeper.

A chuckle and Amelya pulled back as their tongues started to intertwine. She then used her index finger to boop Cleo on her nose.

“Someone’s a little thirsty “ Amelya stuck her tongue out at Cleo before hoping off her lap and crossing the room to the closet. “What to wear?”

Her closet was a small walk-in space with a light, a few shelves, and many discarded hangers. Tossing her top out into the room she giggled to herself.

“Is that bad?” Cleo questioned still trying to recover from the lightheadedness of their small make out session.

“Not sure I understand how that works” Amelya tossed out her bra and shorts.

“I could easily show you” Cleo laughed a bit. Sitting back in the chair, gripping the armrest trying not to think about Amelya in the closet.

Which only caused her to laugh harder. “See I knew you were in the closet?” Cleo laughed.

“Funny” Amelya stuck her head around the corner as she pulled a hoodie over the light blue cami.

“That I am” She tossed a pillow that had fallen off the bed in Amelya’s direction.

It hit the wall just short of the closet. Causing Amelya to hop out, trying to pull her leggings up over her rounded posterior.

“Yummy” Cleo whispered before Amelya could get a word out.

“Your done” She giggled, tossing it back.

“You think you should spend some time with her today?” Cleo asked, looking back at the doorway.

“Not sure how good an idea that is. Especially when her whole worlds gonna crumble later…..” Amelya’s face dropped a bit, thinking about the fire coming later. “What if we both just spent the day with her? And then we wiped her memory….”

“As a couple or friends?” Cleo questioned.

“Is that what we are now?” Amelya slumped down into Cleo’s lap.

“If that’s what you want?”

“Do you want it also?”

“Ughhh, why you gotta keep going with questions?”

“Says you” Cleo bopped her on the nose back.

“I wanna get to know you”

“What do you want to know? I’ll tell you anything and everything “ Cleo snuggled into Amelya’s neck warmth.

“Better not bite me” Amelya giggled.

“Your so funny” Cleo tossed Amelya onto her bed in one quick swish. “So you ready to spend time with my mother in law?”

“Ohhh so we getting married next?” Amelya laughed, sitting up on the bed.

“Not likely, I already know you don’t put out” Cleo laughed and ran for the door in normal speed. Which Amelya wasn’t even sure was possible.

“Mom! What are your plans for today?” Amelya shouted, chasing after a fleeing Cleo.

Who had stopped dead in her tracks just before the living room. Amelya nearly barreled over her but stopped just behind her.

“Amelya and her friend. Meet Warren. He works with me and we are planning to go out to eat tonight “ Her mom said way more bubbly then ever before.

The man was tall, fair weight, not body builder but definitely not a skinny guy. His hair was black like coal but skin lighter then almond milk. Definitely a bit older then her mother, maybe more then a bit.

“Nice to meet you Warren” Amelya went to step around Cleo but was stopped by her outstretched arm.

“No” Cleo hissed under her breath, just loud enough that Amelya could hear. Yet the man also smiled ear to ear.

“Is everything alright?” Amelya’s mom asked, wondering why the girl stopped her daughter.

“Yeah mom it’s fine.” Amelya lied looking into Cleo’s terrified eyes. “What’s wrong?” Amelya had her arms around Cleo’s neck; holding her face on either side, begging for an explanation.

“It’s to late, Amelya “ Cleo quickly grabbed Amelya, locking her body to her.

Phasing for the large bay windows. Warren was quicker and tripped the girl as she wizzed past. Sending them both tumbling across the carpet. Amelya’s mom just screamed. Warren made eye contact and she was on the ground, out cold.

“Why did they send you?” Cleo had come to rest in the corner to the left of the windows, while Amelya laid in a heap directly in front of them. A bit of blood on the window where her he’d hit the glass. She was out cold too.

“Her blood smells good. Wonder if her mothers the same”

“I’ll kill you if you even glance at her again” Cleo was looking from him, to the mother, and back to Amelya.

“I’ve got at least two centuries on you girl. Don’t make me laugh” He sat back down. “I hope she’s worth dying over.” He lit a cigarette out of his pocket and proceeded to blow smoke in her direction.

“Who hired you?”

“If I told you, you wouldn’t be able to leave this room alive. So please choose your questions wisely. After this cigarette I’m going to finish my job and go”

“Are you after her?” Cleo asked, watching blood starting to flow into the carpet.

“If I was you couldn’t stop me.” He laughed taking another drag.

“I’m going to save her…. Kill me if you have to” In a second she was at Amelya’s side.

Lifting her head to survey the damage, her back turned to the most wanted hit man in the vampire world. Before now she’d only ever seen posters of him. But Amelya’s head was cut, not super deep but she’d need a doctor.

“I’m gonna take her” Cleo turned to see a still burning cigarette sitting on the arm of the couch, both the hit man and Amelya’s mother gone.

There wasn’t time, Amelya needed attention. She lifted her up. Resting her head in the crook of her neck and took off. Determined never to look back.

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