Submitted by Olivia Grace

“Sometimes we fall in love with ideas, not people.”

Use this as a line or theme in a poem or short story.

Magic Of Love

For days when I was younger, I would sit on the curb to my house and watch the cars drive by. I would wonder what their names were and where they were going. Sometimes I would get the thought that maybe my soulmate had just driven past and I had no idea. Nowadays the thought of a soulmate is hard to conjure up. I believe growing up makes the magical experience of love somewhat fade into a realistic perspective, that one day I won’t be stuck in a love triangle or have someone fall in love with me at first sight; rather I would most likely meet them at my job or local grocery store. It wouldn’t be an epic love like in the fairy tales, it would be a basic marriage that would statistically end in divorce. I think everyone loves the idea of love but barely any get to actually experience what’s it’s like to fall deeply in love with another person, to devote yourself to them completely and them do the same. The reality of it is that it’ll probably never happen for me and I’m ok with that, but at night when I stare in the darkness a thought creeps into my mind that deep deep down inside of me, I desperately wish that I could.
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