For free

“You saved my life!” Selander smiled, exposing two rows of sharp teeth. “I’ll die without you, when are you going to be back?”

Nahara crossed her arms over her chest and gave Selander a fierce glare. “You are not dying, you’re being a pain in my arse.”

But Selander wasn’t to be dissuaded. In fact, his smile grew wider. “Then you admit, you need me!”

“I need you like I need…” Nahara fumbled for a witty response.

“Tuberculosis?” Selander beamed.

“Damn you,” Nahara cursed, turning on her heels towards the door.

“Wait!” Selander grabbed her sleeve before she could step any further. “Why can’t we be friends?”

Nahara groaned, tugging her sleeve free. “I can’t be friends with a thief.”

Selander steepled his fingers, considering. “If I pay you, will you please pretend to be my friend. Just this week?” he added, a slight whine creeping into his voice.

Nahara chewed her lip. “You don’t need to pay me,” she gritted out, “it’ll probably be from something you stole. I’ll… be your friend… for free.”

“Huzzah!” Selander threw his arms around Nahara’s neck. “Come along, friend, I’ll make us some tea.”

Nahara rubbed her neck and took a deep breath. Then she trailed after Selander.

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