left in the dust
When I was younger and by that I mean days ago.
I thought I had all the facts
Things were starting to strain around the edges
And Yes
Maybe people were starting to snap
But I convinced myself It was growing pains
Adjustments were being made and it would just take a minute to get used to it all.
But then I start to hear things
Hear things no one’s ever told me,
but everyone else seems to know like it’s obvious
Picking up on undertones when I barely grasp the concept.
That’s fine
Everything’s Fine.
I still know most things, and we are around each other all the time. Maybe I just missed something.
But then I learn some more
They have know facts for months
That i’m just _not as close_ as I thought I was to people
And that everyone knows but me.
I’m left in the dust if your conversation
Of your knowledge
Of _our_ friendship
Fighting for scraps.
I’m left alone
And I’m the one straining to adjust
From being the one you came to talk
To being the one that has to fight to get words out of your mouth