You slide the bag across the table, the hooded figure opposite you peers inside. "Where the hell did you find this?!"

Continue this dialogue.

Count Down To Ten

“Where do you think I found it, you fool.” I couldn’t believe the audacity of such a question. Did he really think that I could be so stupid?

“I know where you found it, but I don’t like it. This is how people get into trouble,” he sneered. The momentary look of shock was now firmly off his face. All I could think of was the last 24 hours.

How could I have landed myself here. I’m a straight, normal sort of guy. How could I be so naive?

“You have 10 seconds to tell me how you found this,” the hooded figure pulsed. “10 seconds, and then your life is as good as over. I’ll start to count. Don’t push me.” The hooded figure reached inside his outer coat, and pulled out that dreaded .45 that had been at the source of so much attention. His eyes locked on mine with steely determination.

Thoughts raced through my mind. 10 seconds? Was that a joke? How could anyone possibly explain in 10 seconds something so bizarre? I can’t even order a coffee from Starbucks in 10 seconds!


Where do I begin? What if he knows about Jan’s location? What will this do to her?

“…3…4.” The countdown was as monotone and dispassionate as a NASA countdown.

She trusted me. She trusted me with her life. No, that’s not an option. He can’t make me do it…with a .45 or no .45, I can’t tell him that.

“…5…6…” the hooded figure continued.

Wait, no, let’s be practical. I need to look at the bigger picture. Jan knew the stakes. If I go now, how will the truth ever be known?”

“…7…I hope you are ready to go,” the hooded figure hissed icily.

It dawned on me that he was counting up, and not down. Normally a moment to chuckle at, but not now.

Wait, what was that Tom told me yesterday? Yes! That could work! He might just buy into it. But no, he couldn’t be that stupid himself, could he?


“Utah!!” I blurted out! The hooded figures eyes blinked. The wheels were clearly spinning now. Then, with a flash, all was darkness.

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