by Sans @

Write a halloween horror in less than 10 sentences.


She heard that _thing _behind her running after her.

She berated herself for being out here all alone, for going closer, and for summoning that _thing. _



_"How could you be so dumb" _she thought.

The _thing _got closer and closer.

Let's see how this happened exactly.

She went out into the woods alone (like a dumbass).

She saw an abandoned grave and went near it (another really dumb move).

And she saw that _thing_ come out from nowhere and she ran.

_And now she's running through the woods with a thing she's not that sure about what it is, is chasing her, "_OW!" "_fuck I tripped",_ she thought, as the _thing_ got closer and closer she scrambled to get away. __



_Too late it caught up. _

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