What Could Be

It won’t be real.

But it could be.

He’s my age.

I want to break into the business.

Maybe our paths will cross.

But then again,

My success is not guaranteed.

He’s someone I might never meet.

And still, even if I did,

Wouldn’t he find it weird,

That long before he knew I existed,

I was sitting here thinking of him?

What does it matter.

I can have my crush.

Maybe someday someone in real life will come up.

This will fade.

I know it will.

But right now I want the delusions to be real.

It’s harmless, isn’t it?

What does it do?

I fantasize and it’s fun and all,

And then there’s someone new.

But it’s never fully satisfying,

Never truly.

After all,

How can it be?

It’s one way,

Not real,

Separated by a screen.

But it’s fun,

And I like him.

Logically it won’t be real.

But maybe it could be,

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