Write a descriptive scene in a world where rainbows appear at night.
Because Of You
It’s the darkest time of day
The sky is pitch black
Covered in tiny dimonds
I sit alone
Like always
Wondering, hoping
Does he feel the same?
It’s killing me
The thoughts
The worries
Why can’t I just know?
Why can’t the universe open itself and show me
I want you. I really really want you
I want to see your eyes
Your smile
Your face
I want to hold you in your hardest times
I want to celebrate in your best
I just want to be there
A piece of your life
I don’t care how big a part I am
I just want to be in it
I’d give anything
I’d do anything
God, I’d make a rainbow shine in the middle of blackness
I’d make impossible, possible
Because of you
I’d do it all
Whatever you want
I swear if it would make you happy
If it would do anything for you
I’d make colors shine in the midst of the darkness