
“Wait up!” I heaved, running at full speed to catch up with him. “Jeremiah! Wait!”

“I’m not talking to you” He waved me away.

“Please just give me a ch-“

“I gave you a thousand chances to tell me the truth and you’re still lying to me. I’m done. I’m done! I can’t keep doing this with you, it’s killing me.” He looked done. My heart lurched at the thought of losing him.

“Please I’m so sorry I never meant for this to happen. You weren’t supposed to get involved.” I desperately grasped his hand like a little kid in a grocery store, my eyes pleading with him to hear me out.

His eyes softened in response. “Fine. Go.”

Guilt coated the back of my mind knowing I had the power to make him override his better judgement. But if he would just listen to me then maybe it would all be okay. He could still love me- he WOULD still love me… right? I couldn’t let these fears hold me back I had to press on. He deserves to know. He’s the reason I’m alive.

“So basically, I’m evil.” I said candidly, wringing my hands together.

“What?” He laughed a little, but that quickly shifted to concern. “Bella, you’re not evil. I know you- or at least I thought I did. But I knew you enough to know you’re still not telling me the truth right now”

“No I am! I swear I wouldn’t lie to you not any more” I couldn’t help but look down, not wanting to face him after acknowledging my own betrayal.

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