Tilak Baloni @ Unsplash

Write the story leading up to, or leading on from, this scene.


I’m roused from my sleep, Otto’s hand gently squeezes my shoulder. I pry my cheek from the fogged up car window.

I rub my eyes, clearing the sleep from my eyes.

“We’re almost to the bridge.” He says, his voice slightly raspy. His tired eyes focused on the road ahead.

We’re driving through a forest, tall dark spruces rise high above the road. Fog creeps from between the trees, spilling out onto the road in front of us, limiting visibility.

“How long was I out?” I yawn, rubbing the chill from my arms. I stare at the heater dial, it quit on us miles ago. I still turn it, nothing.

“Couple hours.”

“You coulda woke me earlier, I would of switched with you.”

“It’s ok,” He gives me a slight smile. “I don’t trust your drivin’ skills anyways.”

I chuff at his remark and roll my eyes.

I turn my head back towards the window, watching the rather gloomy forest pass by.

I shivered as I stared out, the smaller trees almost appearing as human shapes in the rolling fog. I swear I saw them move, walking, so very slowly.

“There it is.”

I jump at Otto’s voice, he slows as the bridge comes into view.

Only half of the steel framed bridge is visible, the rest blanketed in dark fog. Old red paint flakes from the metal and I swear I heard a creaking groan.

The road ahead appears clear.

My hair stands on end as we near the bridge, butterflies flutter in my stomach and my hands sweat.

“This is it.” I say softly as Otto glances at me, his face complacent. “We’re gonna be safe.”

He nods, and we drive onto the bridge.

The fog grows thicker, I could almost feel it. It chills me, goosebumps rising on my arms.

My knees bounced nervously. Otto looked calm enough, but his jaw clenched tighter and tighter. He sped up, the fog thickened.

Then there was a figure in the road.

“Otto!!” I yell out as he slams on the breaks. We screech to a halt, the figure doesn’t move.

“The hell..?” I say as my heart hammers in my chest. Otto’s hands grip the steering wheel tight.

I begin to roll down my window.

“Hey don’t-“ Otto starts but my head is already outside as I call out to the figure.

“Hello? Who’s out there?”

The figure doesn’t move.

“Back in the car.” Otto says between his teeth, his grip tightening.

“What if they need help, Otto?”

“And what if they don’t…” he replies stilted.

I gaze back at the figure, it’s form hard to tell from behind the fog.

The figure doesn’t move.

Until it does.

It fidgets, like a strange wave moveing through its body. It gets more and more violent, as if it’s breaking bones with every jolt.

Then it starts to run.

Otto slams on the gas, we speed up towards the figure. I grip my seat, my eyes wide.

It continues to run at us. And then we hit it. With a loud meaty sound, the figure is thrown over the hood. It’s…grotesque, pale gray skin, black blood seeps from its eyes and mouth, and it gnaws at us. It then it’s gone, left behind on the road as Otto speeds away.

I stare ahead, my stomach doing flips.

We reach the end of the bridge, and to the crossroad. We turn north and the fog begins to clear.

“Otto..” I say faintly.

“It’s ok, we’re gonna’ be safe.”

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