Write a story that includes a character who is a bad loser.
They do not have to be the main character, but they should feature in your story in a prominent way.
My Revenge
We’re done, that’s the last thing I ever heard from my girlfriend. I had lost everything, I had no friends or family my life sucked. If you’re anything like me you have nothing going for you. Let me explain how I got to be this way. It all started in middle school when I started playing on our football team…
I had just turned 12 and was finally looking forward to going to school. I had a crush on a girl her name was Jasmine. I also had a best friend named Jared. Him and I had beens friends since kindergarten, and football practice was starting. It was going to be my best year ever at least that’s what I thought, but by the end of this year I learned something I learned what winning felt like and I got addicted to it…
By my last year of middle school the only thing I thought about was winning. I had won so much that losing was a impossible option if I lost that meant that I was no longer worth anything. I had cut ties with Jared because he was holding me back from my potential all he cared about was his looks and what girls thought of him not winning…
It was my freshman year and I had finally lost. to my best friend he stole the girl he knew I liked. I didn’t even make it onto the football team. I realized that I was worthless and I wasn’t capable of being #1. It made me so frustrated and annoyed. I wasn’t happy about this it was so devastating I had won everything except her I couldn’t let this happen, so I decided I was going to ruin his perfect image. I spent all of my freshman year spreading rumors about Jared, like how he was getting together with a teacher, and how he bought his way onto the baseball team…
My sophomore year all the rumors I had spread stopped. He was still dating Jasmine who was supposed to be my girlfriend. I had to do something about this, this time I’m going to take action. I had decided to run him over. That way I’ll have won at something. I was too addicted to winning to see how my actions here would affect my future…
That is how I lost everything