Reversing a Love Story

I watched this story unfold from a distance, stood outside in

The storm.

The passing of silent secrets,

The avoided gaze,

The eventual continuum of silence.

I saw him turn away from her in what he thought was her sleep,

And I saw the single lightning lit tear fall on her face as she understood he was turning away from a whole lot more.

I watched as he screamed at her over thunder and she sobbed to him and both of them pleaded,

But for different things.

I could feel the raw love once there becoming blazing anguish and I became


In the moment of what I could do to save them until

I realised,

I was looking at you.

At you, at myself, at my reflection in the window of me, staring, yielding, to

The storm.

The person I love

Is also the one who hurts me the most and now it's about

Whether I choose to love

You or myself.

I have no idea what to do and

I know

I have to choose before you do,

And I bruise.

Put our time in your hands and watch me dissolve with it,

Slowly, my love.

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