
Perfect clothes, hair, even makeup, everyone is so organized, everyone picks a color and sticks to it, nothing out of the extraordinary You are not allowed to be fat or too skinny you have to be just right and you can’t have a large nose or have freckles because that's ugly, not too loud just a normal noise level, girls are preferred to be short and petite guys are supposed to be tall and buff, but why does it matter at all why does everyone think that these are the rules of life and that if you break them your a disgrace, wear your hair however you like pick another color that are an endless amount of colors change your style do a full face of make up or don’t who cares about your body shape your beautiful speak loud or be so quiet that nobody hears you, it dosent matter everyone has a flaw and you don’t have to hide it i say instead of hiding wear it proud and loud like if it were a trophy you wanna showoff to everyone be yourself no one should judge you for being human if their a human too nobody here should be perfect we are all different pieces of puzzles everyone is a different shape but together were a planet yes you might not like some individual pieces but we are all in one planet in one shape that make a beautiful picture

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