Someone’s Dragon Is Parked Outside

Hello! My name is Heather handibon the beholder. Today I am going to tell you about the time someone parked their dragon in front of my driveway. It started as a normal sunday and I got up to make my breakfast. Everything was swell until around noon when two chariots pulled by unicorns rolled up an parked next to my neighbor Kyle, the rakshasa’s house. I thought nothing of it until an orc riding a white dragon parked it right in front of my driveway! I ran outside to give him a pice of my mind. The moment I stepped outside I smelled the delicious aroma of barbecue. I walked over to kyles house and knocked on the door. I was met with Kyle in a sauce stained apron. “ Heather! What a pleasant surprise!” “Kyle are you having a barbecue?” “Yes! Would you like to join us? I hear you make a mean barbecue chicken.” “Of course I will join you. I can teach you some tips!” So I spent the rest of the day making and eating delicious food and meeting new people like Beth the orc, Samuel the gelatinous cube, and Jackson the werewolf. In the end I had a lovely Sunday that I will remember for a long time.

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