Sanctuary Caves

#MamaBear86 #Romatic

When you believe there’s no mystery to life it surprises you, when that happens the experience is significant.

She sits back thinking of a day she’ll have an opportunity to have the experience to remember. Her Gardens are meant for her nerves, as it eases her when anxiety wants to creep up on her. Eliza had been growing her garden for years, she loves it so much and she has a knack for it. Her flowers bloomed colorfully and she kept them all well-maintained. All would say, Eliza, had a green thumb. Everything is well in her life until she realizes her garden had a cave entrance to some underground quarters.

Eliza doesn't realize it at first. She's been clearing bushes, and clipping away at old dead plants, she had her work cut out for herself. The sun is at its peak, glaring at Her. Eliza takes a break, sweating, she sets up a chair and sits to sip her lemonade. She quickly starts back to work, seeing she could have much more space to plant if she kept at. As she’s clearing an area, she spots an entrance, to where she thinks to herself. An uneasy feeling apprehends her from entering, she can't be sure it's noncontroversial for her. Eliza finds her way back to the Greenhouse, she doesn't know how to react to the discovery. What was this entrance to in her garden, on her land in-depth in the brush? Wondering sitting at a table with her mind spinning, she needs to know where it may lead to but is scared to enter alone in case it's not safe. Pondering on whom to involve.

Eliza doses off in a chair as her head lay on a tabletop. Dreams occupy her mind, dreams of the cave entrance.

The phone on the wall begins to ring, Eliza only had a few callers so she used hr rarely. This is what startled her off the chair and onto the floor. She franticly picks it up. “Hello Eliza here, speak your peace”, she says. “Hi E- It's me Stasia”, her voice was loud and cheerful! Shocked she was calling, since they haven't talked for a time, “what brings this call about”, Eliza mentions to Stasia, An ex-friend as far as they were concerned. “Eliza, I miss us, so many things I need to catch up on with you”, she continued. It was early in the night, but Eliza wasn't up for this conversation, She hangs up. She needed preparations to talk to Stasia again. They stopped talking long ago for misunderstood sentiments, and neither of them would admit to their feelings toward one other.

Eliza Goes upstairs to her main house where her kitchen was, she has to have her coffee. Eliza Starts all her days with a cup of coffee, reads her emails, and searches the web for flowers from other regions to bring culture to her garden. She almost forgets the cave entrance, but not quite, She has an idea to have Stasia assist her in the cave, just in case it's a negative experience. She hadn't much feeling for Stasia since she chose to end the friendship. Stasia was a well-off young vibrant woman, free-spirited, and never liked the thought of settling down. Stasia has never had a stable relationship and it's here that always bails first. Eliza felt deeply for Stashia and it ended in heartbreak.

Eliza sips her coffee like any morning, this morning she adds a call back to Stasia, just to invite her to the garden and then the entrance to the cave. She dials slowly not wanting to speak, but it had to be done. She lets it ring on the other end, and Stasia picks up, she's a mess, with sniffles from crying, and weakly she says “Hello”. Eliza is feeling embarrassed in her reaction and sad not recognizing Stasia’s feelings with the hangup. “I’m sorry and I hate my reaction”, Eliza comments over the phone. “Wow, wasn't expecting you to call back,” Stasia says in return. “Yeah, I'm shocked to me as well but I'd like to invite you to the gardens it's gotten considerably larger since last you saw it”, Eliza went on trying to get it out all at a time, rushing thru her words to quickly get to the end of the call, but Stasia was a gabber. “The gardens we started, you still keep at it, that's sweet, Stasia comments, sniffling still from cries. “It relaxes me now, not just a hobby to me”, Eliza hisses the comment. “Let's not have a word battle”, Stasia says, it was her sweet way of saying let's not argue. Eliza thinks to herself how much she'd missed that.

“Say you'll come, I've got plenty to show you”, Eliza explains! Stasia Agrees finally and packs her things for a trip to her past and maybe her future!

A beautiful day it is to be traveling, Sun bright, the warm breeze, the tree’s as tall as can be, everything humming as it should. Stasia dressed quickly, getting ready for a fun day toward a trip she'll never forget.

Stasia Catches a Coach bus flight, easy as can be, only a four-hour trip. Stasia is already familiar with the situation she travels on foot for a bit and then catches a cab towards Eliza’s home and gardens. Everything was the same as Stasia recollected except for The gardens, it was massive she felt. She hadn't seen it for some time. Eliza put in the work and it's beautiful, Stasia thought to herself. “Glad you could be here”, Eliza meeting Stasia at the entrance to the flowered blooming garden. “It's beautiful and the progress is impeccable, Stasia continued. Her face lit up to see Eliza and the Gardens, you could see how she missed the moments she's left behind.

The ladies hug, basking in the warm touch of one another. The minute the embrace was broken Eliza tells Stasia to take her things to the spare, which wasn't far it is on the first floor, two floors away from Eliza’s bedroom.

Stasia gives Eliza a glance and goes to put her bags up. Stasia being who she is gathers the tears she's held back and fixes her face. Eliza sets the water system timer to make sure her garden is fed and watered when needed. Stasia walks out, Looks around, and awes in her mind of moments she recalls happy ones. “Will sit in the middle of the gardens if you'd like, where you left off, and have tea and biscuits”, Eliza says quickly. We strolled onto a path, walking along, in the middle of flowers, medium trees, and more, so peaceful. Stasia felt a cheerful feeling, gazing at colorful bloomed flowers, rich in their beauty. “You've maintained”, Stasia comments. “Yeah, people pay to have a walkthrough of the garden now”, Eliza Explains.

Stasia grabs Eliza’s hand, the loveliness of the gardens has that consequence on the path as it expands deeper. She kisses Eliza, Eliza stunned doesn't pull away, a kiss with lips open and touching tongues. It lasted a while.

Eliza is jarred by the situation, she sits on a bench close by, having to catch her breath and thoughts.

“I hope I wasn't too upfront”, Stasia continues. Sitting next to her on the bench. “You know I've infinite love for you, I shouldn't have left”, she continued. Locking hands tightly entwined with one another. Eliza gets her emotions in check, “I’d love it if you could show me if you care by entering a cave with me”, She can’t say much because she doesn't know much but it'll be a test of how Stasia shows love.

Stasia asks questions and explains why this might not be what they want, she conveys her fears of lies inside. Eliza hasn't many words for backup but can tell her only that an adventure awaits and they'll experience it together. Stasia wasn't expecting it all to be founded on entering this mysterious cave. She has to have some time to think about it. Stasia excuses herself to her room. She lays down in the bed, stiff from never being slept in. Eliza sits a little longer, and then makes her way to her room. Eliza’s room had clippings of her flowers in vases all around her room, she enjoyed the smells and colors. She continued to her deck where her yoga set up was, she'll stretch these feelings out. Eliza always knew after she left the first time how to channel her negative energy into positive action. It's worked since.

She sets her yoga mix and stretches out. As she moves to the music and her energy she, ponders on Stasia and her final decision.

She doesn't hear that Stasia enters her room, with music blaring how could she, Eliza was in a beautiful doggy pose, and Stasia couldn't keep her eyes off her. “Hello There, Want to join me”, Eliza asks Stasia. She looks at her, stares at her dress, her not wearing undergarments, “I better not today”, Stasia answers. Eliza Smiles back, “okay let's talk”, She comments. She stands up and sits in her yoga moon chair! Soft and feathered. Stasia sits next to her closely.

They huddle together and chat, Stasia pours her heart out again and Eliza admits to her feelings. Hugging and kissing. Eliza asks about the cave. Stasia consents, she’d do anything to keep Eliza! They scurry back to the middle of the garden holding hands and kissing about the walk. They stop for a coffee and walk further into the thicket trail Eliza has been cutting, a trail to the entrance of a cave. Its powers immediately take effect, as they enjoy kissing more intently. Strolling about inside the cave, feeling about one another still in movement inside the cave. Reaching its inside, which was a beautiful peaceful garden home. Its greens and flowers were a bed for the two women to lay about and make love intense and hardcore. All of these bring about a baby to be.

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