Your character is a hairdresser, who is faced with a difficult client.

Think about what different people may find difficult in a client, and try to create relatable, realistic situations with a dash of humour.

My Empty Veins

_ _****_They lift me into the 6 feet deep and dark hole, but they don’t know how the bugs will eat away parts of my brain that belong to you. Parts of my heart with your name carved into it. Your name runs through the blood in my veins, only now the blood has stoped flowing and the flesh eating bugs and worms are confused by the memories they have eaten of you. They see and feel how I felt through all of those years. Hatred. Love. Revenge. Desire. Regret. All of those things belong to what you made me into. I gave everything I had and more. Nothing made you love me the way that I loved you. If you had have asked me, I would have carved your name into the deepest parts of my soul. I would have stopped my heart in the cruelest way to mankind if it meant yours may Carry on beating with a steady pace. _

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