If i count the ways I love you…

No, i couldn’t count those ways,

they’re so many that i summarized them in one.

I love you by valuing you every day.

Then, everything else by itself comes.

That’s why we only love once.

our love is so real,

that if we try too much we might fail.

we give 50/50 but i feel like i give 10.

and you say “girl, you are a 10!”

I know love is not a feeling,

i know love is a decision.

We decide to respect our way of feeling,

each of us have different ways of loving.

But we both know respect means valuing.

my relationship with you is not just touching.

I love you by communicating to you the way i slept.

i love you by watching the movie of your smile as you talk

I love you because you accept my mistakes and help me fix them

I love you because when i’m mad you make me laugh.

I love you by taking you not to a hotel but to taco bell.

i couldn’t count because there isn’t an order.

loving is fluent like the air.

if i count

i’ll count the sand and each one being in half.

i’ll double it and give it to the next person,

i’ll triple the times i count,

because it will all represent,

all the ways i love you,

but only one part.

then i’ll continue counting for the rest.

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