After All I Did To You

I decided to cheat. Why not? It’s not like he’s going to find out.


Walking back home now… I can’t believe I just did that. I didn’t even know that guy’s name! I’m going to feel guilty for the rest of my life. What? I’m not going to tell Doug. He’ll never forgive me.


I’m home. I dropped my keys on the desk by the door and headed up stairs to mine and Doug’s room. I quickly changed out of the clothes I was in and ran back downstairs to throw them in the washing machine. That’s when I heard Doug at the door.

“Honey? Are you already back from work?” Doug yelled, taking off his coat.

“Yes! They let me go early.” I lied.

“Wow! Wanna go to dinner, then?” Doug asked, with a big smile.

I hated lying to him. He looked like such an innocent, sweet guy. And I know he is... I've been married to him for 2 years.

"Yeah! Of course! We should go to dinner. I love you honey." I planted a big kiss upon his face and ran upstairs to get ready once more.


We walked out the door, and onto the cold streets of New York. Doug reached his hand out for mine. I placed my hand in his and held it tightly, still thinking about what I had done to us and our relationship.

We walked to the Italian restaurant laughing and holding hands. Half the time, I didn’t know what I was laughing at, because I wasn’t thinking about his jokes.

As soon as we got there, the check-in was quick, and we sat down at a booth. Doug was looking at the menu because he didn’t know what he wanted. What I wanted was to tell him the truth!

“What are you going to order, my sweetie bear?” Doug asks, giggling and still holding my hand.

“I’m sorry I really have to go.”

I jump up and start to run towards the door, when three men in black masks pop up outside the window.

A shot goes off.


I wake up in a hospital bed, with no bullet, but stitches. As I sit up, it hurts. A sharp pain in my left thigh just throbs.

A nurse walks in and notices I’m still awake.

“Good afternoon! How do you feel?”

“What even happened to me? I remember getting shot, but I don’t remember passing out. How did this happen? I ask, confused.

“Well, you did get shot, yes. The three men ran away, but don’t worry! The police found them and took them in. After your shot, you fell back, hit a glass table, and passed out. You had several wounds.” The nurse smiled slightly.

“How am I still alive?”

“Dear. I’m so sorry, but you honestly should be thankful. Your husband, Doug, let them take some of the parts of his body that you needed to survive. He saved you. But, he…” The nurse stuttered.

“He died. I’m so sorry.”

Tears streamed down my face. I choked on nothing… just my tears.

“I’ll leave you alone.” The nurse walked out the room, while I sat there bawling my eyes out.

“IM SO STUPID!” I shouted, and let out a scream. No use in holding it in.

“He sacrificed his life to save mine… after all I did.” I murmured, and rolled over in my bed to cry.

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