You are transported back in time, to the moments before the Big Bang.

Describe what you would see, hear, and feel, and try to be creative with the description you could use for a universe not yet in existance. What would this unimaginable state be like?


Light beings , existence feels like a feather .. the universe is vast .. my voice is heard .. Heard by all .. we are not boxed up .. No walls separate us .. we fly alongside our alien friends … The planets revolving .. a beautiful sea of stars .. what a beauty to exist amidst this breathtaking view … And if you really fancy a trip , come along we shall fly to the luminous sights … we can talk about the different shades of light .. how it reflects back home .. Don’t forget to take back some silvery water, and a pebble or two for home .. until the next adventurous flight , there’s much yet left to explore .
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