You are transported back in time, to the moments before the Big Bang.
Describe what you would see, hear, and feel, and try to be creative with the description you could use for a universe not yet in existance. What would this unimaginable state be like?
The Day My Life Changed
I can’t see anything. All there is, is infinite space. Infinite darkness. Nothing to hear, touch, taste, see, or smell. All five sense are proven useless in the emptiness of my world. But today is different, the stuff I seem to breathe, it feels different. Not good, or bad. Just different. I have a feeling something’s going to happen. Whatever it is, it will change my life. I can only hope it changes for the better.
I do not know what I am, or even what I look like. I can hardly move, so I don’t know what body I might have. Maybe I don’t have anything, maybe breathing is just imagination, and all I am, is a consciousness somehow surviving in this bleak existence in a dark universe.
I do wish something would change. I hope it does today. The world seems brighter, but still pitch black. I can’t see anything, yet.
Feelings of hope, wonder, and longing stir inside of me. Please let this world grow bright and happy. For with it, I would too.
I continue thinking thoughts like these, for who knows how long. Until the tiniest speck of brightness appears in the distance.
I want to cry for joy. It’s beautiful. And growing. I’ll finally have something of my own. I’ll have a life that’s not miserable.
The light is growing nearer now, I can’t wait for it to reach me. For it to envelope me in my new life.
Oh, the things I’ll see, and…
I’ll finally know what I am.
I wonder what it’s like to touch, hear, smell, and taste. I long to know what it’s like.
And soon, I’ll be able to experience it all for myself.
The light is almost in front of me, it’s uncomfortably warm.
But in my joyous, wondrous state, I don’t notice.
It come even nearer. It’s right in front of me.
I stare at the yellow-white orb, and start to fear it.
This new world, it’ll mean so much, everything I ever knew will be ripped away. I’ll be like a newborn baby. Relearning everything, exploring everything.
I can’t wait. This new world, it’s the start of my life. As the darkness recedes, and the light envelopes me, I will be reborn.
The light overtakes me, but instead of starting anew, I fade away. The heat is too much. It burns. My insides feel like they are boiling up.
I disintegrate into nothingness.