Submitted by by Laura Melvin

"I think I just met the happiest person in the world!"

Write a scene or story which begins with this piece of speech.

The First Date

“I think I just met the happiest person in the world!” I texted my friend after returning home from a first date. She was everything tI imagined and more. She was so full of life, confidence and spunk that was infectious like I never felt before. Over two weeks of talking online to several woman, she stood out as there was no hesitation to be myself with her. It was dating app though, how real could that be? Luckily we were able to find out on a warm, Memorial Day weekend night. That ease and comfort did not miss a beat going from the world of texting and FaceTime. Only within 30 minutes of our date did texting turn into talking and FaceTime turn into time with one another’s face. She was the happiest person in the world because I felt I was the happiest person in the world. You could not convince me otherwise then or for the next three plus months. The pendulum of emotions swung hard toward affection and intimacy and I let it rip. Like any pendulum and law of life, any swing in one direction would be swung back with equal and opposite direction. Did I think it would happen to me? Never in a million years. Why would it when immersed in a bliss that was only felt a few times in my life and for that long? I reflect back on that night almost six months ago, now single and just starting to feel like myself after a messy breakup four weeks ago. Our relationship ended as spectacularly as it started. I struggle to find the words to explain why. Why did she come into my life? Why did she come in so quickly and leave so quickly? If I know anything about relationships that the lessons that are learned and hardwired take place when least expected, just like she came into my life when least expected.

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