“Did you ever mean it?”

“Once, yes. But only once.”

Write a short story that contains this dialogue.

D&M I Know (Davian)

I can’t stop myself from wanting Maisie. I’ve tried to keep our relationship from forming but nothing ever turns out the way you want unless you truly do want it that way.

Was it wrong for me to connect with Maisie? Should I have just left it alone, like the rest of the people who get into car accidents? They don’t fall in love with the girl they hit, they move on.

So why can’t I? I can’t pretend like I never met Maisie because I can’t even remember what my life was like before.

Maisie’s the kind of girl I’ve always imagined spending the rest of my life with. And if I wasn’t lying to her about the crash then everything would be perfect.

But I’m not living in a world where everything falls into my arms. I’m living in a world where the girl I’m crazy about is the girl who’s life I’ve ruined.

I sigh as a soft breeze washes over my face. The old bench creaks as I shift and lean against the rotting wood.

Just last night I was sitting here, just last night I told Maisie I loved her. And I’m still in the same circle I’ve been in for five months. You can’t love Maisie, but you can’t not love her. You have to make up for what you’ve done.

“Can we talk?”

I look up as Maisie takes a seat on the bench next to me.

I nod, my heart skipping a beat as she brushes a loose strand of her blonde hair behind her ear. Gosh I really love this girl.

“Everything that’s happened in the last few days,” Maisie meets my eyes. “I wouldn’t change a single thing.”

If you knew the truth I bet you would. A lump forms in my throat as I swallow.

“Except for what happened last night,” Maisie looks out at the city lights that are sparkling under us. “I love you too.”

Why can’t she just slap me? I killed her mom and I’m lying to her. And she loves me . . . It’s what I’ve always wanted.

“I don’t think it’s right,” I force my tears to stay where they belong. “I’m sorry.”

Maisie nods once, her eyes still on the lights. “I don’t really care what’s right or wrong.” She whispers, flicking her eyes to mine. “I just cares about you.”

I hate this! I just want to be able to love Maisie. I want to hold her and never let her go. I want to tell her the truth . . . I need to.

“I need to tell you something,” I blurt out, Maisie’s blue eyes glowing from the light of the moon.

Maisie flashes a small, warm smile. “You can tell me anything.”

I know I can, but I can’t tell you this.

I sigh quietly, shutting my eyes. “I . . . Love you too.”

Maisie scoots closer leaning her head gently against my shoulder. “I know.”

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