Fantasy And Horror

The white silk feels cool against my frail body. A slight breeze sends a violent shiver down my spine. Oh how much I wish I could be at home. How I wish I could be sitting next to a sparkling fire, a steaming cup of tea inches away from my parted lips. With my kind and loving husband, his chocolate brown eyes meeting mine with compassion. Oh how I wish. In reality, I lie here in this winter wonderland. More like winter hell. I feel disgusted with myself. This was all my fault. There is no hope for me, I shall lie motionless in this cold and icy world until I finally crumble into nothing.

Years before, 1987

A golden light shines through the blinds. My eyes adjust and I grudgingly force myself to wake. Yet another day. I carelessly tie my hair and pull on a sweater before leaving the house. I accidentally glanced towards the internet window and spotted a demon. Disgusting. Unpleasant. Ugly. I wanted to rip it apart and never see it again. Thankfully, after today the demon would be no more.

It was a pleasant Saturday morning. My boots padded against the cobblestone path as I headed towards my destination. Closer and closer I was. Thoughts didn’t enter my mind. I only walked. A smile stretched on my pale features when I saw it. The water raced with incredible force, and the sharp rocks added to the excitement of the competition. Each strand of blue moving so elegantly.

I stepped towards it. Closer and closer until finally I was at the edge. If I were to jump, I would be swept away to my death.

How wonderful that sounded.

My corpse would be unrecognizable. My velvet blood would decorate my body. I would be so beautiful. Demon no more.

I breathed the citrusy air. I looked at the whimsical flowers that danced. Demon no more.

And so I closed my eyes and took a step. I braced myself, only to realize there was nothing to brace for. I opened my eyes and saw that I was not falling, instead floating above my death. Anger surged inside of me. I took another step. Nothing. It was as if there was an invisible barrier blocking me from what I wanted most. My patience began to dwindle.I stomped and stomped until I let out a scream. What could this be? Curse it!

Suddenly, a mirror appeared in front of me. It was golden and enchanting. The frame was beautiful but the reflection was not. I saw a demon, smiling as it stared back. CURSE YOU! I screamed. My heart pounded, this-this THING is blocking me. I want to be beautiful. I tried to punch it but my arm only slashed through air. I let out a frustrated scream as the monster remained calm. “Who are you!” I yelled. “I am you and you are me” the monster chuckled “and now you shall be punished for your sins.”

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